Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oxley Witness Amits She Lied

As the trial of Oxley turns.  Will we finally get to the bottom of who killed Bernard Trickey Jr?  What was the final decision on Shannon's death after the Tricky Murder.  Now one of the witnesses is recanting her testimony.

This trial has been a mess from day one.  Mr. Richards was our newly elected judge and Mrs. Duve was our newly elected District Attorney.  So many mistakes and not enough time to talk about them.  I can only imagine how much this trial will cost the second time. 

Watertown Daily Times


Anonymous said...

Hopefully they do it right this time.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering the same thing, how much will this cost the taxpayers. Then again we plea bargin everything down in St. Lawrence County. Should be all kinds of money in the DA's budget.

Anonymous said...

I see Oxley's dad had a letter to the editor. I believe Mrs. Disotel is going to jail for welfare fraud again. She went to jail last time wonder what kind of deal she will get for changing her story.