Sunday, September 23, 2012

Journal:St. Lawrence County supervisors support sales tax referendum

A public referendum would answer the question of what type of tax the voters preferred. There should be a third choice for the county to balance the budget without a tax increase. Without the 3rd choice it appears the voters support any kind of tax increase.

Voters could choose between a 1 percent increase in the sales tax or an 18.5 percent increase in St. Lawrence County property taxes. This is supported by the county Supervisors Association.

Journal Tax Referendum


Anonymous said...

Republicans who support the billionaire Grover Norquist one of the founders of the Tea Party have pledged not to support any new tax. AMong them is our Congrressional wannabe Doheny and our pretend Senator Ritchie.. One only has to use common sense to know that a sales tax is the only way to fairly distribute the pain.. People have been making up figures to oppose this most of which are just as I said made up but the fact remains we need represenation in ALblany on this issue.
Any tax assesed is repulsive but the County officals seem to have their hands tied.. David Forsythes blunder while he was representing the GOP as a legislator will have the county paying through the nose for years to come.
I for one am a firm believer that the non mandated services should go, with no exceptions. Most of our nonmandated jobs are duplicated services anyway duplicated by other government agencies or private enterprise.. Trouble is none and I mean none of the legislators have the fortitude to do such bowing to special interests..

Anonymous said...

This will have to come to a referendum but it will be after the fall elections and would cost quite a bit. Then Patti Ritchie can play hero and change her stance again.
Ms Ritchie has got to be the biggest failure in modern history in politics. She promised she would help change things like do away with some of these cumbersom commissions but she voted to keep the tug hill commission in place. She promised our star rebate but she voted against it by voting for a state budget without this in it. She voted to help balance the state budget on the backs of the state workers. She has done absolutely nothing but pose for cameras and do what Graham wise tells her.. She iwll win in the fall no doubt but undoubtly she will face a formitable opponent in 2014 not only from the Democrats but from within her own party...
If she had helped in any manner we wouldnt be in this mess but nope.. She signed Grovers pledge tot he Tea Party.. NO NEW TAXES..
By the way Patti why havnt you started getting support and making resolutions for real mandate relief and tell the Sttate to pay us whats owed us.. If we withheld our money from the State we would be jailed . DO SOMETHING PAT RITCHIE.. ANYTHING..

Anonymous said...

Case sera case sera
whatever will be will be..
This Republican blog spot is losing ground and an audience apparently.

Anonymous said...

It's not the Republicans that are ruining it.

Anonymous said...

I am a senior citizen, and a Republican. It is a shame that the right wing has taken over our party to the point that neither federal nor local governments can do anything.
Please compare Sen. Ritchie's inaction on the sales tax to the House of Representatives inaction during the contrived debt crisis last summer. They are hurting their own constituents for a power grab.

Add that to the fact that Mr. Doheny is seeking the endorsement of Southern Reactionary Congressman Cantor by bringing him to the North Country next week. My great grandfather must be turning over in his grave seeing what these RINOS have done to the party of Lincoln.

We used to have educated and intellegent representatives like Dave Martin and John McHugh. Now we have people who sign mindless pledges so they don't have think for themselves.

Anonymous said...

I am a senior citizen and a Republican. it is a shame that the left wing of the democratic party is in power. What has happened to the good old Conservative democrat. Are they all dead?

Anonymous said...

11:36: No, they are alive and well, and existing in The Tea Party. The party of Lincoln has become the bigoted party of George Wallace.

Anonymous said...

Conservative democrats are thriving in the Democratic Party. Until the Party of Reagan became the Party of Norquist, men like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were considered conservative Democrats. Unfortunately, the current GOP leadership has wrenched their party so far to the right that moderates look like liberals in their eyes.

Anonymous said...

I was talking to Nancy Martin last week and she stated her party is in disray.. Doheny like so many other Republicans will more than likely lose in the fall due to their actions and inactions of the party.. Patty Ritchie is an absolute disgrace in being a represenative of her district so much so the Republcians may feild other canidates for that office in 2014.. She also stated dont rule out Doheny as one viable canidate. Of course this will be determined after this election. If Ritchie dosnt poll at least 75 percent of the vote it would be a absolute embarresment to the party...

Anonymous said...

Ouchie...Republicans in a downward spiral? I know, Let's bring in Eric Cantor to be a role model for us all! That will straighten up all of us Yankees whose great grand fathers fought to free the slaves, and give them their rights.

I don't agree with the WDT editorial board much, but when they ignored Dick Armey 3 years ago, and endorsed Owens, it gave me hope.

Unfortunately, neither Matt Doheny, nor Patty Ritchie got the message. The message is: We are NOT a bunch of ignorant bigots from the south, and we want our party back!

Which party do you ask? The answer is: the party of John O'Neil, Dave Martin, and John McHugh. Not the party of Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, and Eric Cantor.

Anonymous said...

I suppose your party is the party of nancy Pelosi and Jerry Brown? Real American heroes!!

Anonymous said...

8:14: No. MY party is the party of Dave Martin, John McHugh, and John O'Neil. None of them would have even considered to brainlessly give their right to represent their constituency, and blindly signed on with the likes of Grover Norquist.

Now, tell THEY are RINOS! But before you do, remember they ALL won with about 75% of the vote. Donheny can't even get 40% in a traditionally Republican District.

Anonymous said...

My party and the people I vote for represent the middle class person in America. My vote goes always to who I feel represents the working man the blue collar worker as well as teachers, municipal workers , right down to clerks at Walmart. People making less than the national average peop;e on public assistance single moms who need our help..
With that said I have seen no such leadership offered by the Republican party as of late with thos kind of ideals.. Instead they give us canidates like Matt Doheny. Net worth between twenty five and thirty five million dollars.. Does he relate to us? Does he care for us?? Will he help us and care about us???? One answer says all NO.. Mr Doheny represents himself and the richer one percent of this country.. He wants to cut regulations on Wall St Bankers as it seems their million dollar bonuss plus their million dollar salaries isnt enough for them.. His plan to balance our budget is simple.. Cut medicare for the elderly, Cut social security benefits for all. Cut programs for the single moms such as Wic, cut programs for our children like student loans. Cut union bargaining rights so employees can make more money for their employers not themselves.. Yup this is Matt Doheny.. A man who dosnt yet understand how to conduct himself in life.. Feeling up women openly in public places (see Gawkers film) then lieing about it.. gEtting arrested twice within months for intoxication while using a boat and to top it off got so abusive towards our lawenforcemnt he had to be restrained.. He has openly admitted signing Grover Norquists pledge for no new taxes so the rich wont be inconvenienced with some extra taxes..
Then you have Patty Ritchie the prom queen.. Her record stands for what it is.. Zero acompliahments.. Lied about our Star Rebate, Lied about voting to end commisions instead voting to keep one locally alive.. Will not vote for minimum wage hike to assist the very poor workers in her own county and certainly willnot assist the local legislature in getting a sales tax hike... Like I said shes Graham Wise puppet and will remain so until we vote her out...

Anonymous said...

Funny to watch the ad on TV about kDohenys islands and his wealth.. All this was done in twxt for the election to show you how out of touch this guy is with most of us.. Now hes gone bullistic when recently on a talk show that not only his two islands is in his future but possibly a third island.. Rickers Island in NYC was refered to.. Not that Doheny is going to buy its implied hes among those being investigated during the investigaiton of Wall St activity during our economic crisis..

Anonymous said...

Yikies!!! That is REALLY not nice!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:08,
Did you notice that you are the only one on this site? You have ruined it for all the rest of us with your bitterness. Time to grow up and have intelligent conversations.

yajoor said...

interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you

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