Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Journal:Doheny outlines aggressive outreach approach

Doheny Outreach Programs is Targeted to his Constituents
It appears Mr. Doheny is concentrating on equal representation across his district. He plans on opening district offices in all 12 counties. He is starting to build his campaign on customer services and equal representations for all in his district.


Anonymous said...

More Republican cheerleading from the blogger without recognizing that Matt Doheney is running a hollow campaign. No wonder fewer people are reading and participating on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he.s going to RUN UP the cost of governmentTo me . Does this man have a grip on reality ?? Does he NOT understand that many are fed up with this strategy ? Service can be rendered efficiently and effectively WITHOUT padding political payrolls with party hacks and other empty suits.

Mr Doheny has lost our vote , his complete and utter disregard for this relatively SIMPLE concept , coupled with other seemingly naive actions and behaviors has been the final straw !

Anonymous said...

He keeps trying to act like he is a shining star, without realizing we all know he is just another wall street hedge fund guy trying to screw us over.

Anonymous said...

I cant get over his ads... Like said above he feels hes the shineing star of the GOP.. His character is shady to say the least and his Wall St ties makes him overly dangerous for Northern NY people..
Hes a phony clear through and he will not carry this county let alone the district
His veiws on unemployment and other issues affecting the poorer class of people reflect exactly what he stands for..
He wants to balance the budget but on the backs of Middle class Americans again.. Cutting medicare, medicade, food stamps, cutting program such as WIC and planned parenthood along with assuring that the rich dont pay their fair share are his agenda..
He rants about Obama care.. Granted its not perfect, but for the first time in AMerican history we have a health care plan that helps all.. With the lack of any GOP congressional ideas about health care I have to think its better than nothing..
Hes been ranting about the national debt and the economy but agian he an other Republiccans have no alternative plan.. Remember Obama inherited this debt.. Obama inherited the unemployment and chaos that Wall St and Dohenys banker buddies created.. I know today their are 250.000 American workers back to work that under the Romney, Doheny government would have been outsoursed to overseas because of Obama and Owens GM and other auto people are still working and the companies still operate in the US...
The Author of the blog hasnt had much to write about lately except the lobby for some dangerously ineffective Republican politicans.. He is trying to get hired in their campaign camps..

Scoopy said...

Watching the YNN news tonight and was pleased to see that on a national poll conducted independantly from the normal ones in NYS Owens leads Doheny by some 11 percent.. This is mostly the affect middle class Americans have on the poll..
MOst hard working people I know, feel Mr Owens has done a more than adequest job since being elected two terms ago.. Seeing the Republicans are fighting the administration at every turn in Congress its not suprising things are hard to acomplish..
The Romney Doheny ticket wants to slash middle class America along with the poor to keep their Wall St Bankers friends from having to pay their fair share of taxes..
Grover NOrquist a very wealthy American has the most influence on the Tea Party and has forced most canidates like our Patty Ritchie and Matt Doheny to sign a pledge for NO NEW TAXES.. On the first glance it seems like a very good idea but after thinking about it one realizes that its not us or the poor there worried about paying any new taxes its the Wealthy one or two percent of Americans they are protecting..
Character is a main issue in the campaign with Owens and Doheny.. Mr Owens has family values and is a man of integrity and character.. Doheny has proven time and time again he operates with a drink in one hand and one of his operatives ass in the other..
If any of you doubt the staement about the operative go to GAWKERS Doheny and see the movie clip youselves.. All of this after his engagement to his now wife..
Lip service and no morals is what you will get with Matt Doheny not someone who is going to work for us rather Wall St deregulation again...

Anonymous said...

You mean Doheny outreach programs and his general campaign is targeting the working man and the poor in all counties..
Your Republican gods have undoublty cost you a very large audience...

Anonymous said...

T campaign stale as last months
Toast! He keeps invoking a speaker that has NOT been in power for years now . Look let him spend his money , blow his little horn and then fade back into the woodwork inNovember . Hands down this little man is sad. Just returned from a week in Bolton Landing , Lake George and Glens Falls region . SAW THREE count it 3 Doheny signs all week No articles , no buzz , no nothing so IF he is supposedly doing better there , somebody better tell the citizens of that region . the resort owner where we stayed. Didn't, know who he was.

Anonymous said...

JUst one final word about the Republican party and their beliefs.. Scott Walker the Wisconcin governor who passed the law taking away collective bargaining rights in that State suffered a major blow today when a judge ruled his law was onconstitutional both State and Federal and was null and void..
Theres still hope for the working guy folks.. Just watch who you put in office.. With this Doheny character or should I say DoSweeny as hes called in Warren County and you will be getting much the same as Walker, in so much as he is all for the rich and corporate and not the working class of people.. Mr. Owens still seems like the best choice in this race regardless of what party you affiliate with...
Patty Ritchie has done little if anything for us in the North Country and her NO NEW TAXES PLEDGE SHE signed to make the rich happy is killing us in the big county.. However she appears to be the only real choice for us to make... Walit until 2014 when DeDe will oppose Doheny for State Senate..

Anonymous said...

Doheny doesn't hold office. He has no constituents - just fanboys like the blogmaster

Scoopy said...

Reading the Journal today one can see the plight of our County.. Republicans who are bound by their sole selling pledge to the Tea Party of No New TAxes are selling us outt and forcing the legislators to raise taxes on a portion of us (home and landowners) thus forcing the city and the local towns probably to do the same..
A little common sense should have interviened but didnt.. If Patty Ritchie has the best interest of her constituants at heart she and her counterparts in this County would help in getting the sales tax issue passed.. I dont like the idea of new taxes but when faced with reality, one can see a tax of somekind is going to happen so why no distribute it fairly to all...
Our Republican fanboy on this blog agrees with that issue but refuses to write about it because it would put Senator (do nothing) Ritchie in a true perspective.. Another failure by her office and herself in not coming through for us...
Why dosnt she use her magicial powers that we see written about all the time and get the state to pay the county what they owe.. Why///////

Anonymous said...

Time for the GOP legislators in our county to step up, and force Patty to do her job. Currently, she is neither representing them nor us.

Anonymous said...

Not a Ritchie supporter here at all and have criticized her on several concerns , but the county legislators LACK the intestinal fortitude to CUT the county budget to live within its revenue stream .

The sales tax issue is a cop out for the lack of managerial expertise and strength of character to do the right thing and LIVE within one's means .

the old tax and spend notion of government is dying friend , get used to it . I fear that many political insiders are strictly on this topic for vested self interest rather than looking at the greater good for all. legislators | the WELL is dry , face up to it and cut the payroll to the level of revenue available to support it

Anonymous said...

I don't know what universe you are living in, but the county is running on a shoestring right now. What more would you cut?

Anonymous said...

Exactly right.. What planet are you from.. They can cut services and then joe blow crys, or cut something else and let jane doe cry.. What do they cut??
I feel the Sheriff road patrol should be cut in whole... Even then they would have to keep enough on board to transport to courts and prison etc but the remainder of these services are duplicated..
Officers in the Civil should go as well, giving the bare bones service needed to keep our taxes in line... Townships wanting law enforcement should pay for it like Norwood does out of their own budget. This is not a Democrat problem like being insinuated at times but Republicans like Forsythe who act before knowing what they are doing have cost this county dearly for years to come..
Patty Ritchie needs to act like a Senator who cares about her home county once and a while instead of all of her public relations work she does for Senator Graham Wise.. Mr. Wise runs Ritchie and he obviously is unaware of the problems in this County and dosnt care either...

Anonymous said...

I am living in the REAL world not the world of continually raising taxes and fees and maintaining bloated payrolls when in fact the REVENUE base FROM tax payers POCKETS is depleted . Deal with it ! Cut your payroll it is your LARGEST budget item . WE are no longer baffled by your constant harangue . people WILL adapt .

Quit your crying and live within your means. Abandon services that no longer break even , if they're not floating on their own financial revenue stream then it time , NO make that way PAST time for selective financial SURGERY .It's called Product or service line analysis in the. REAL world

Get to it

Anonymous said...

The Mitt Romneys and the Matt Dohenys of this world know exactly how to make ends meet.. Outscource all you jobs to other countries, cut social programs, cut government jobs, cut school grants to our kids, cut food stamps to our poor, cut medicare to our older, cut medicade to our young needy.. Break the unions so the blue collar workers of this country and cgo back to sixteen hour a day jobs with no benefits... Yup this is the Republcian way folks.. All of this just so the richer one percent of the country dosnt have to pay their fair share and the lower ninty nine percent pays more.. All for Grover Norquist and the TEa Party...NO NEW TAXES... and all the phony politicans that signed this pledge..

Anonymous said...

1:59 Yepper. But you forgot "Patty Plate", and how she tanked St. Lawrence County.

Anonymous said...

No I havnt forgot Patty Plate.. My vote is for Tressider and never again would I vote for Ritchie.. Hassig would be a much better choice, as he at least has principles..

Anonymous said...

OK it IS official this blog is moribund , done , finito, toast , yesterday's news ....... Hasn,t had a new topic in weeks , buh bye !!

Anonymous said...

The only topic this Republican cheerleader knows is building up egos on people like Ritchie and DoSweeny. Hoping to land a writing job with one of them I assume... They both have more than enough now...
Your correct about weeks. Does anyone know who this author really is>>>>>