Friday, April 13, 2012

Journal:Ogdensburg Police say crack bust indicates a disturbing trend

I would of thought the last 3 murders in Ogdensburg was an indication of a trend. Each case was related to drug use and each one ended in the death of a drug dealer. In each case the suppliers have the same characteristics, they should be easy to pick out in town.

The next question will be, how the DA and judge handles this case. The DA and Judge should send a message to every drug dealer in the City and those that want to setup shop here, NOT IN THE RIVER CITY!

I would like to give credit to Detective Mousaw and the rest of the task force for a job well done. Let's keep up the good work.

Journal Crack


Anonymous said...

I,m at a loss what characteristics you are refereing to but it would appear you made a racial statement.
The last four murders in town are drug related not three and the police have done a pathetic job in curbing this trend.
The district attorney is soft, the police are pathetic, and the judge is old and content to draw his salary until pension comes. We have a mayor who had a chance to appoint someone to the court that would make a difference in the future but chose to play politics and appointed a judge who has suffered santions in the past.
Yes Detective Mousaw deserves credit.. Good job now keep it up thats what your paid to do but demand this of your co-workers also. I would say its time for the community to step up but I believe they have. The problem lies with the above formentioned.

Anonymous said...

The judicial system is a mess ,enforcement issues aside .

Suffice it to say that there is NO leadership AND comittment to resolving these issues locally by those who proport to be leaders.

That is evidenced by the TRACK record or in this case the LACK of same .

the environment and ambiance here is in FREE fall and our so called leaders are fiddling while this happens . Streets are no longer safe to walk at night .

Why do people continue to TOLERATE ineffective/inept figureheads ??

Anonymous said...

This post is nonsense. The judge and the DA don't live in Ogdensburg - no one cares about Ogdensburg. With the prisons and the psych center, the 'River City' is doomed to become a violent crack den. You could erect the Taj Mahal on the old Diamond International site and it would still be like spraypainting a turd gold.

Poly Information said...

We have some new Patrolman and Patrolwomen on the job. The influx of these new recruits could rejuvenate the department. Eager individuals looking to make a difference with some guidance from the senior staff. Keep up the good work and keep pushing to make a difference and clean up Ogdensburg.

Anonymous said...

Ogdensburg is very lucky to have an outstanding police force. If anyone checks, you'll find Ogdensburg's police force teams up with the county drug task force to make the most drug related arrests in St. Lawrene County.
City police have no control over a county court system that routinely slaps drug dealers on the wrist and puts them back on the street.
The police are making a difference.
The notion that you can not walk the streets at night is nonsense. Ogdensburg does not have muggings. We have lots of petit thieves who steal, but we don't have people being attacked on the street.

Anonymous said...

I call BS!!!!!!!!! we walk daily for several decades and the damn streets are NOT safe anymore -- look around , open your eyes dammit . Too many IDLE young dudes , slackers , stoners and neer'do wells just hanging out and looking for trouble . There is also a regular street scene on Ford st that is menacing and with all the druggies , sex offenders living on or just off Ford st - it is a damn zoo

OPEN your eyes 12:08

Anonymous said...

1208 .. What planet are you from.. Your either a police officer or relative of one.. Of course you could be Mike Powers who wanted to be a cop... If you took time to listen to the results of the poll the city sent out the highest percentage of people wont go on the streets especially after dark..
Regardless of what the reason is you seem to be brave or naive and stupid...
Wasnt that long ago one of the female officers was followed and felt threatened enough to pull her weapon While the incident actually took place outside the city it started with stalkeers in the city...Kids high on drugs... Look at the armed rebberies over the last two years.. look at the murders over the last two years.. How many rapes and sexual assaults were ther and how many dont get reported..

Anonymous said...

Attention citizens of Ogdensburg. Do you know that the PD is spending over one million dollars in overtime each year. Yes sir we have the best PD money can buy. Just ask Wayne Ashley he will tell you he will make sure that they keep receiving money to fund the special projects for the PD.

As you can see we have the safest city in the north country. Good Luck to you all who live and work in Ogdensburg.

Doug McDonald said...

Hey anon 12:48:
You must be the same anon that always throws Mike Powers into the mix.. Do you have a love for him or what?! You seem funny to add him into any conversation you can. stick to the topic freak!

Anonymous said...

People as I was driving down Ford St.... love the new art work above the new vision center across from Phillips Dinner and look at Oscars Tavern..... BOYZ 88is spray painted ... what a bunch of idiots. Trashes the city. Catch then - Jail them - Fine them!!!! Throw the key away!

Anonymous said...

Curious. Yes, there are idle people on the streets of Ogdensburg.
Here's a news flash. There are idle people on the streets of every small town and big town in the US.
Yes, there are idle youth, stoners and other riff raff, but they are not mugging anyone. I have walked the streets for several decades and no one bothers me. A lot of those people you mention just say hello.
The reality is that Ogdensburg is much safer than most of New York's small cities.
Perception is not reality.
The murders you mention involved drug dealers being preyed on by other drug dealers.
The Ogdensburg Police are arresting drug dealers.
It's obvious that certain individuals on this blog hate Ogdensburg and use every opportunity to denigrate the Psychiatric Center and the prisons.
Having a couple of hundred trained officers living in Ogdensburg is probably why the city has such a low violent crime rate.

Anonymous said...

1132... ??????????? what couple hundred trained officers.. Are you refering to COs???? I hope not..
COs are trained to be COs not police.. They are given a basic course in law enforcement eighty hours to become Peace Officers.. They have no more authority than most citizens of this country and o more than other peace officers.. Most Sheriff employees are either police officers or Peace officers.. Probation officers are peace officers... Your thinking must acare the hell out of the police force.. Possibly we could replace them.... Cos carry keys not weapons.. Cos babysit not arrest people.. Many Cos have arrest and conviction records that no police officer could have... COs wait on inmates incarcerated at their facilities and see that their rights are not violated.. They feed them they help them shower and keep them groomed. In many cases they ehlp dress these individuals..COs help feed these individuals and assist them in all aspects of their daily life.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:43 has no clue what he is talking about. Every peace officer can carry a weapon and is required depending on his post. The inmates are responsible for there daily life activities. The COs there for security and watch the inmates, frisk inmates, restrain inmates, transport inmates.

No I am not a CO but I am a civilian that works at a prison and would not feel safe without them.

Anonymous said...

CO's carry a weapon & badge only because the have the NYS privilage to while working for the prison.

iF not you need a NYS Pistol permit to carry a handgun. and you have to keep you nose clean or it can be revolked with any criminal record.

a Co is NO popice officer out side the gates of work!

Anonymous said...

All BS !!!!!! The city is NOT safer that it was B4 all these craptastic prisons . These DREW an element which heretofore DID NOT EXIST .

Moreover anyone who says this place is LIKE any OTHER small town is Delusional oe under-educated and HAS NOT experienced life ELSEWHERE and is a Burgie HOMER .

The facts are that there is a GREATER CONCENTRATION per thousand of the kind of street denizens that several folks have mentioned and THAT is cause for concern for DECENT citizens .

Anonymous said...

I think that assumption is correct. However another factor that brought us a lot of REft Raft was the enlargement of Fort Drum. With Gouverneur and the surrounding towns reaching out for the soldiers the rent went higher thus driving a lot of drifters this way.. Coupled with low rent and landlords who refuse to keep their apts up the low volume of real jobs in this area.
The point of this blog was the crime and what could and is being done about it.. Not COs..
Everyone has their opinions of COs and their jobs. I have mine.. One thing thats a fact is its a job and good paying job with good bennies and its a job that requires no real world skill at all. Just place high enough on the test, pass the mental and emotional test and your in.. You have to go away for six to eight weeks to learn routine and become familiar with corrections but any and I mean anybody could pass that..

Anonymous said...

Time to legislate "Stand your Ground".