Monday, December 10, 2012

Journal:Ogdensburg raids funds to reduce tax levy increase, passes budget

Mr. Cosmo, Not a bad job by council!  Hopefully this will get us by until we can push our legislators for sales tax increase or at least pass a law giving local government the ability to increase sales tax.

3.25 percent increase.


Anonymous said...

The republican boogmaster says we need to push our legislators for a ssales tax increase..

A short time ago you acknowledged it was our do nothing Senator that was the problem.. Our legislators want this and have asked Ritchie for help and she has repeatily refused to raise a finger... Republicans all throught the nation are abandoning Norquists teaparty membership the oath not to rasie any more taxes but she wont help..
Griffo who shares part of the North Country has promised to help and will.. Once the ball is rolling Ritchie will jump on board and her writers can take the credit for her...
What has she done anyway??? Outside of sample maple sugar and save chili cookoffs and have her picture taken most of the time..
The prison issue will be hot this year and one can only hope Griffo can help her save our locals but I,m told thats doubtful.. One must be trimmed and its down to OCF or Watertown both in her district..

Anonymous said...

WTF? Idiots in the north country pretend taxes are our problem - St. Lawrence County has had the lowest taxes in the region for a long, long time and what the hell has it gotten us? Maybe continually cutting taxes and spending isn't the key to a better government and a better city/county/state.

Anonymous said...

Inept Senator Ritchie, who signed the no tax pledge because then she felt she wouldn't have to think about, or do anything about, the lack of revenue in our county.

Darrell Aubertine would have had this solved LAST YEAR!

Why Ogdensburg swung from Aubertine to Ritchie, after all Aubertine did for us, is simply beyond belief. We are getting exactly what we deserve for being so ungrateful.

Anonymous said...

Ritchie won for one reason only.. We have had the last two elections composed of
A. Hate the Rich People.. Hate women and thats why the Republicans lost
B. The previsous election we had hate Addie, and every DEmocrat as they represent NYC not us thus Ritchie won.
Your right, Aubertine would have had this fixed now.. His problem was he didnt bow low enough to the prison bunch.. Well now Ritchie is in the minority no matter who is leading the pack week by week.. Any more closures come from OCF and thats fact..
Darrell Aubertine fell asleep on the prison issue and let a budget pass that had it earmarked for closure. He made ammends for that but the prison gang led by councilor Powers wouldnt let it alone.. Powers is out of the scene now and so is Aubertine until next election. He then will have to make up his mind to run agian or stay pat until this Governor leaves.
Ritchie is earmarked for failure this term and will be defeatable in 14 no matter who runs.. But insiders say the Republicans are so desperate to get Bill Owens out they will attemp[t to convince her she is unbeatable and run her against Owens.. Bye Bye Patty is the word if she runs for Congress..
I understand Patty winning but I cannot see what she has done of any importance.. And the pledge she took is bullshit in my eyes.. She took a pledge to help us not Grover Norquist and the Rich AMericans.

Anonymous said...

6:34 Thanks for the insight on the "Prison Bunch", and Aubertine.

You are correct. Those folks are well organized, and DO blindly hang together, no matter what the issue.

Anonymous said...

Closer will may happen if the Republicans control the Senate but you would see many more close if the Dems control the Senate. Last time they were in control 6 prisons closed in North Country.

Addie is a banner waver, jumped on the sales tax when she knew the Gov. would not approve it. She would not carry the UTV, a North Country issue, when is was already in the Senate. I still trying to figure out what she has done, vote for microstamping, give me a break.

The legislature is broken and will not get better. Rated one of the worst in the country. There needs to be balance in the legislature and Dem control would not fend well North of the City.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the deficit-hawk Republicans on this blog want to keep the wasteful, half-filled north country prisons open. All but 1-2 of them can - and should - be safely closed.

guy with a job there said...

Hey, 3:53;
Are you an expert on prisons to know what can or cannot be safely closed? You sure talk like an expert on everything, at least in your own mind.

Anonymous said...

The prison census totals are available for anyone in the public to read. Why the hell are our tax dollars going to half-full north country prisons? We can at least close the ones in Ogdensburg and consolidate them with facilities in Malone and Gouverneur.

Guy with a job here said...

To 10:59;
Why do you hate Ogdensburgso much? Why not close Malone and Gouverneur? Were you a prisoner here in Ogdensburg?

Anonymous said...

The idiots that have hollered and screamed about Addie voting for microstamping and Ritchies refusal to vote for it have a lot to be proud of toay dont they.. Just ask the people in Conneticut how they feel about some sensible gun control.. Unlike the Addie haters some people have some real sense....

gun nut said...

Why would you need microstamping when the killer has been found? Micro-stamping would not have been of any use. You are the idiot.

Anonymous said...

No idiot, its for cases when the shooter is not caught or killed. It gives authorities a start point in locating a criminal.. Only those inclined to be criminals would oppose such simple legislation...

gun nut said...

You still haven't shown where either micro-stamping, or gun control laws, would have made a difference in the Connecticutt incident. You are just talking about something you know nothing about. Typical Liberal thinking. Just a stooge for Addie.

A 3rd Idiot said...

For over 45 years , I have at least a dozen shotguns,rifles , and pistols. Luckly no harm has been done... only to Wild animals and Paper targets. Responsibillty is mine. Someone steals them or is in their possesion its theirs. Jail or a mental hospitol is needed. Why punish Me? Do not agree with the liberal!!!

Anonymous said...

Some people would think your unstable.. I dont.. You have a fetish for guns.. Do you play with yourself when you go in your gun room.. Do you fantasize that your one of the legion of good guys protecting good over evil... How and the hell could you possibly use all of those.. You must be a prison guard with more money than brains.
Peter cotton tail and bambi are safe because you couldnt possibly hunt it would take all season to make up your mind which guns to use.

taxpayer 76 said...

wow 2:48 you just do not get it> there are people that collect guns and yes it is still very legal. It has nothing to do with Peter or Bambi, it is a right passed down long before you or any other liberal were ever born. Crazy things like Ct always bring this conversation up, but really has nothing to do with guns or our rights. You can pass whatever gun law you can dream of, but it will still not correct the wrong of society and some of the people that live here. Mental illness still fill our prisons and probably do not belong there. there is no place for them except walking up and down Ford and State St looking at their feet. Until that is considered the joke is on you.

To 2:48 said...

You are a true idiot on Guns. Everything is an assult rifle in your mind. Rifles --- Different Calibers for Different Game ... Shot guns different Gauges for different Game... Muzzel Loaders..
and Target Shooting. Federal & New York state sets rules of seasons and gun types used we have no say. Your fetish is to control people with out knowledge . You played to long with your own gun that is probably not loaded . Like your brain.

Anonymous said...

To the last blogges . Right On !!!
That 2:48 is always a moron. He can even stick to the subject on any blog! He hate everyone Bill Patti , Mike, Wayne , Prison Guards
Bambi,Peter Rabbit, but mostly himself! Bet you he can not get a gun permit. Or Pass a training course!!!

Anonymous said...

I have twelve weapons in my house and I keep them locked up. I have handguns that are under double security. I hunt, I fish and I believe I should be able to go out and buy a rifle or shotgun without a lot of BS but not an assault weapon. There is no practical use for them. Microstamping is a great idea but I never said it would have stopped what happened did I only the gun nut did.Its the assault weapon I feel should be banned all over in this country..
I dont hate Bill Nelson or Patty Ritchie and I have the utmost respect for both of them I just thing they are not doing a good job and I will continue to state just that if they continue in the direction they want to.. Cos are not my target I just feel Cos could give much more to the community than they do.. For a simple job that most anybody is capable of they get overpaid and we get nothing in return. The NRA want security in schools but we cant afford to put it there however if COs volunteered a day a month and were armed and put in some schools as security only it sure would help us.. Bob Grady the rescoruce officeer job has been eliminated. It wasnt necessary the way it was set up.. He didnt need to be in clsssrooms etc he needed to be a guard at the front door and possibly visit other schools in our system on occassions.. We do need security so COs step up and volunteer some of your time off that we pay for anyway.. You are Peace Officers arnt you and trained with weapons and carry arrest authority dont you???

gun guy said...

Gun guy never said it would. He said it wouldn't. Yo said it would have helped, and the people of conn. would have liked it. Don't pass off to someone else what you initiated. You praised Addie, but now you back off what you said. No guts.

Anonymous said...

Heh school dropout.. Read what gun nut said about micro stamping and what I answered him.. Go back and get your GED.. Micro stamping was was soley for fully auto weapons and its purpose was to identify. It was a tiny mark on the shell casing to be used in cases where a shooter was not identified or killed as a starting point of an investigation. We could possibly trace where the shells were bought and who bought them.
It was not for gun nuts weapons and certainly not for any you own because you couldnt interput it anyway...

Way to the Right said...

Never let a good disaster go to waste !!!!! These gun grabbers are worse than sharks in the bloody water! How many children died in the trade towers day care center. Ban Airplanes, Muslim Terriorist did it , can't call them that, Close GetMo , let them go free to do it again, lawyer them up bring them to our homeland . Shut up and let the people rest in peace! To all you do gooders Happy Holidays and to the Normal People Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and May God Bless.