Sunday, December 16, 2012

Journal:Rules on minority-, woman-owned businesses frustrate Ogdensburg authority

Twenty percent of business to MWBEs (minority- or woman-owned businesses enterprises) is not my idea of leveling the playing field. The amount is disproportional to the number of these businesses and gives them an unfair advantage. Many times the prices are higher and your still forced to purchase these items.

Many companies bid state contracts getting the best bang for your buck, then you introduce MWBEs and saving money is not the objective.



Were Screwed said...

Over and Over goverment wants to control everything we do. The playing field is not level and the balance is the other way now..with a country 47% to 53%. Now the Takers out number the Givers? TRY to balance a budget with less money coming in and more going out. We the USA, New York, St. Law. Co. and Ogdensburg ARE LOST.

Anonymous said...

Yes we are lost and locally it boils down to this fact.. We elect people like Bill Nelson who acomplishments can be seen in a simple walk through Morrisette Park and the Greenblelt.. No other acomplishments, At the State Level we elect Patty Ritchie whos acomplishments is doing evreything she promised not to and not doing anything she promised.. Our local legislators havnt the courage to make the necessary cuts to keep our taxes in line

to Scrooge from Screwed said...

Please do not agree with me and then give your bullshit political stand on subjects you on this blog repeat over and over and over and over again!!! The subject was MWBE,s But your answer is always political and hate speach against people. Merry Christmas oops can I say that or is it Bill and Pattys fault.

Women owned businesses said...

When you are one of the millions of women in small business, you have to find a way to balance your home life and your work life, and that is often one of the hardest parts of being in business for yourself. Because women have more "jobs" to do around the house than most men do (and that includes child-rearing), they often have a difficult time balancing everything out.

Women owned businesses