Monday, December 10, 2012

Journal:Rape dismissal takes on political tone

This could be a career killer. 

"In court, Assistant District Attorney Amanda N. Nissen said the DA’s office had never received the case file. The judge then granted the defense motion.

What a way to lose a case, appears to be little organization along with very little litigation in District Attorney's Office by Nicole M. Duvé. Massena Police Chief Timmy J. Currier said the file was sent to the DA's office and they have proof. 

There are many victums in this outcome, mostly the 14 year old girl.

Nicole M. Duvé


Anonymous said...

You can take a minute then blame our legislators for this for not properly funding our prosecutor.
They didnt cut any in the Sheriffs dept so they will continue to do really nothing of consequence and have time off while our DA works on a very strained budget.
Republican or democrat a DA in this County along with Public Defenders and dont have a real chance because of the inadequet funding they get and no backbone from the legislators that should be makeing cuts elsewhere.
Nicole Duve is a very smart attorney but she certainly lacks in the management experience.. Tim Currier needs to stick to police work and keep his nose out of politics.. Clean up your own house Mr Currier..Kevin Acres and Mark Akins also need some reminders what we elected them to do and what is not their business...

Anonymous said...

As county legislators public safety is their business. If there is a rapest walking the streets do to a mistake in the D.A.'s office it should be addressed by the legislators. Tim Currier is doing the right thing by defending his department. Maybe you should spend your time finding people that fraud the welfare system and writing about them instead of being anti law enforcement.