Friday, May 4, 2012

Journal:Ogdensburg port access road construction begins

The Ogdensburg Port Expands
Construction is scheduled to end in September and maybe this will bring some life back into the Ogdensburg Port. A few more jobs and a few more imports and exports for the area. Every job counts and every incomes works into the economics of the area.

Journal Port


Anonymous said...

Wasn't this reported weeks ago? The Journal must be getting desperate.

Anonymous said...

Yes it was... Yes they are... Soon they will be gone forever... Long live the Journal...

Anonymous said...

Let's see: Sam Lamachia chairman of OBPA, and everything runnig smoothly.

Bill Nelson (who won by 4 votesd over Sammy as Mayor) and city is tanking.

Where is Bill these days anyways?

Anonymous said...

Nelson was on the ObPA board but he apparently wasnt up to snuff as the Governor replaced him.. Its obvious he isnt up to snuff..

Anonymous said...

Apparently already a problem with property lines..
Its unfortunate but if the Port owns land being used by residents someone is going to get ticked.. Possibly a sale or a gift of a little land could happen.. At least Sam Lamachaia is listening.. Its like he said its not like Nelsons city hall gang where you get your five minutes and everyone looks stupid at you....

Anonymous said...

That's because Sam is secure has thick skin and is full grown whereas the mayor and his ilk can't abide any opposition ! The 5 minute rule is an INSULT to people's intelligence

Anonymous said...

Remember in October when Morley was asking for our support and trying to get Sciorra fired. He agreed that the five minute rule was wrong.. He was going to move to change that.. You can see how influential he is on the council. Hes being used as a grunt and thats his sole purpose.
Town hall meetings indeed.. Town hall meetings make about as much sense as hiring Sciorra back and firing Cosmo.. Town Hall meetings are a politicans way to (strut their stuff_.. They load the hall with supporters who know what the topics are and support.. No one has a chance...
Its the same old bull---- thats been going on for years. Four more years of Nelson smiling into the camera and clearing his throat..
I,ve been interested to find out why Nelson was moved from the second floor on his job to the basement... technically he is now the head of maintenence.. His next stop there will be to back door.. Reason???? Possibly some rumors are true????

Anonymous said...

Morley is no grunt. He has The Journal in his back pocket because they have to rely on him so they can tell stories. Is he smarter than everyone thinks, or are they all (Nelson, Morley, city Council, The Journal) bottom feeders?

Anonymous said...

Here we go again with more Federal Grant Money from EPA ,for cleanups that I thought happened years ago, Exxon/Mobile cleaned up areas near the fort site, wasn't the tank farm cleaned up way back? If you ask me, this is just another feather in Nelson's cap and more funds to misappropriate and use for things other than what it was inttended for and line some Grant Administrator's pockets for so called "Risk Assessments"