Thursday, May 31, 2012

Journal:Foster: BV7 is a step in the right direction

Will BV7 Help the St. Lawrence River?
Is BV7 the right course for the North County? Mr. Burns, Ogdensburg Legislator appears to be the only legislator interested in the outcome of the River. There is a lot of information to digest and the committee is pushing the BV7 proposal. Alcoa in Massena has been a big supporter of BV&. Most of these processes take little steps, get some now and a little more later. Time will be the decider.


Anonymous said...

Plan B V7 will have dramatic beneficial impacts on the St. Lawrence river's ecology. Over the long term, it is expected to increase the fishing population by improving habitat and increasing biodiversity in marshlands.

Translation: More fish, better fishing.

Since the construction of the dam and the Seaway, the St. Lawrence River has suffered a series of dramatic hits that have threatened its long term viability. The artificial water level management has caused a host of problems. Zebra mussels, brown gobies, and a host of other invasive species have wreaked dramatic changes in the river's ecology.

This will be the first good thing we have done for the river in over half a century.

Anonymous said...

I still think it is much ado about nothing. When was the last time you heard about a region building its economy on sports fishing? This is great for the handful of people in the area who are retired and spend their lives on a boat with rod and reel, but for most of us this is as meaningless as building the Dobisky Visitors Center.

Anonymous said...

9:18 spot on ! This whole fishing thing is a limited appeal

Anonymous said...

Why worry about river levels when God will take care of natural thing.. The so called evasive species have had only a good affect on the river as a recent study found that since their introduction the size of our game fish has improved because of the extra feeding they now have.. Come on folks the onlyh people crying on the riverfront owners.. Most of us dont give a dam...

Anonymous said...

The "Moneyed Class" is the only one pushing this issue -it has zero effect on Joe Sixpack