Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Journal:Independence Party endorses Ritchie

Ritchie Endorsed by Independence and Republican Lines
It has started, the race for the 48th Senate seat is on. Senator Ritchie has secured the Republican and Independence Line and will be tough to beat this fall. She has held fast on raising our taxes and the budget is actually been cut and on time.

The two prior terms when the Democrats had control of the Senate there was over spending, and a circus act in every ring of the Senate. Democratic Senators were being expelled or censured for their illegal actions. Would Senator Parker terrorize someone on the Senate floor or maybe another break a bottle over their girlfriends face. What a farce that was.

Times have changed and the Senate has new leadership.

Journal Ritchie


Anonymous said...

She has done nothing and I mean nothing to earn her salary. Howerver she will get re-elected this term..
She will get her chance to give us a minimum wage hike soon and I hope she votes for it and possibly trade that for the Star Rebate she forgot to ask for at budget time.. She forgot to ask for it for us in time and no that she has and it passed the Assembly wont touch it because bright Patti forgot to explain how we would pay for it seeing the budget is already signed...
Good luck Patty still waiting for you to do something independant of Graham Wise.....

Anonymous said...

You are right. Patty Ritchie has made us proud!
She has stood up for us in Albany.
And now we'll be standing with her.

Anonymous said...

Let's see. Patty Ritchie protected our five prisons when everybody said that couldn't be done.
She protected our colleges when Albany bureaucrats tried to destroy them.

She helped balance the budget two years in a row while holding the line on new taxes and fees.

She helped restore our confidence in state government, working alongside the governor.

Anonymous said...

We will not be voting for ms Rit
chie . her record of blind party allegiance and maintenance of high cost duplication of effort in several redundant agencies and schools and do nothing commissions has only served to keep NYS behind the competitive. 8 ball as far as taxes and inability to recruit and retain private sector growth industry .

Anonymous said...

Patty Ritchie has one of the best records of bipartisanship in the State Senate. Governor Cuomo has repeatedly singled her out as someone who has reached across the aisle to do what's best for the entire state.
Senator Ritchie led the effort to have the state rethink what it's priorities were in closing prisons. Before she was elected, Democrats launched an ill-informed campaign to shut down North Country prisons. They succeeded in closing several.
Patty Ritchie changed the debate in Albany to force Corrections to look at what prisons cost the most to operate, what prisons were the most inefficient to operate, what prisons had the highest absentee rates, workman's comp, violence, and a host of other factors.
She also had the state take into account what prisons could be most easily sold to the private sector to put hundreds of millions of dollars back into the economy by developing new productive uses.
No member of the legislature has done more to reduce waste and inefficiency than Patty Ritchie.
Tha's why most reasonable Democrats and Independents are supporting her.

Anonymous said...

She's an empty suit who only outwardly supports meaningless measures. Far too timid to be an effective senator - and she lacks the influence to forge compromises to solve New York's problems, like aging infrastructure and an unsustainable pension system. The whole tax cuts versus tax hikes debate is lipstick on a pig. Someone needs to straighten out the state's priorities and make a few tough decisions, but the only person who has really shown any leadership is the Governor - Patty Ritchie is just another Republican automaton marching in lockstep with the rest of the Grand Ole' Party.

Anonymous said...

To the commentator.. You just knocked the Democrats about a farce.. I,m going to give you a perfect example of what you didnt say.. Joe Brunno was the Republican leader. He is eight plus years old and was just indited for his illegal actions while on the Senate... Goes both way and you know it.. Your a little like a Republican yourself....

Anonymous said...

Patty Ritchie is a nice person period-

Haven't seen an EFFECTIVE leader in politics in decades . They are basically carbunkles on the posterior of progress, full of hot air , spin cycles and self aggrandisement .

Anonymous said...

Patty Ritchie is a nice person and that's why she's going to be overwhelmingly reelected because people know she cares about them and has gone to bat for them on the issues that matter to them.
Her opponents don't like her because they can't push her around. She's got the velvet glove, but a spine of steel when it comes to standing up for the North Country.

Sort of steel tips in stiletto heels.

Anonymous said...

1.Are my taxes LOWER ? -- NO

2. ARE my school Taxes Lower? - NO

3.IS SUNY tuition and FEES LOWER for students and their families ?--NO

4.Are my fees for things like registration and plates lower?
- NO

5. Is the cost of government excessive yet ? YES

6.Are their still redundant Agencies, Authorities and Commissions that do little and are wasting tax dollars ? - YES

7.Benchmarked Agency and program UNIT service costs to comparable programs and services in OTHER states and then used this matrix to right size state agencies and local governments and school districts and SUNY -- ah. u'mmm -- NO again

So EXACTLY what has been done for us on THESE scores ?? i'd like to know specifically ?

Well how about Kept high cost pr

Anonymous said...

Your right 148.. None of the above has improved.. Shes like Darrell Aubertine. He voted one party for his tenure now she is repeadly voting for the NYC Republicans..
Do we have to Star Rebate back yet.. NO... Has the minimum wage been raised .. No.. Her staff cost us tax dollars and she continuously hire reporters to write good stories about her and speak for her..
She had some hope of becoming a good Senator and changing things but all thats happened is she joined NYC Republicans in protecting the wealthier ten percent of the population. Shes taken money from firms whos leaders have been indicted in out of state corruption cases. She taken larege sums of money from our Congressional canidate who has proven time and time again he has no credibility and integrity.. I dont know where this state will be going but I do know Patty has abandoned us..
Oh I forgot she saved the Chili cookoffs.. Wow she Co sponsored some bills that met shit to us up here..
We might get the Stat REbate just before elections but only if some Republicans feel threatened and Cave in to Sheldon Silver on the minimum wage.. Then she will change her votes..

Anonymous said...

New York City Republicans?

Are there any?

I can't name any except for that Turner guy who got elected a few months ago and is now running for US Senate.

You guys might want to invest in a map of New York State while you are inventing pieces of fiction.

Oh wait! Facts have never gotten in the way of some of your fiction.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you pretend she did not vote to close six downstate prisons.

I love the way you pretend she did not vote to close numerous state operated youth facilities and cut other wasteful programs.

Why don't you just admit that you want prisons, colleges and agencies closed only in NNY.

It drives you crazy that she has singlehandedly blocked the war on NNY that New York City Democrats were waging untl she got elected.

You may be able to con a few of the simpleminded that you are some kind of cost cutting conservative, but everyone else sees through you.

Anonymous said...

It does seem a little strange that Patty's critics seem to be against cutting downstate programs and only support closing facilities in NNY.

I wonder why that is?


No wonder she makes them so crazy.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for specific Answers to questions 1 through 7 , all I've seen in the last few entry's is the usual SPIN from party central . Spin Spin Spin I imagine that when you do that for a living it is easy to lose sight of reality. ; )

Anonymous said...

You only want to close prisons in NNY.

You only want to close colleges in NNY.

You only want to make cuts in NNY.

You don't think we see a pattern here?

Lucky we have Patty standing up to you and your Democratic friends who have been waging war on NNY.

Anonymous said...

Answer the questions. for the blogger. One thru seven as he/she asked... This is not supposed to be a popularity contest but your making it such.. This is supposed to be an election of the people who will do best for us up here...
Just answer his questions so I can make up my mind...
I voted for her last election but have seen little but fluff for the papers to write about.. I would like to see what she has done so answer his questions please

Anonymous said...

I want the following [Notice this is not about NNY but the ENTIRE STATE The point you make about NYC vs NNY is a ruse and has zero impact on these points . These are STATEWIDE cost issues at play

WE want Ted

lower taxes at all levels state and local and school taxes

Less governnment

privatize ALL prisons
Put ALL of SUNY on national cost effectiveness benchmarks and fund them at that level . This means minimum size per institution

Cut all redundancies in programs , state agencies , commissions, authorities

reduce the size , scope and budgets of the State Legislature and put term limits in place
I want NYS to restore the balance between private sector employment and public sector employment

So my focus is NOT strictly on parochial issues but the need for systemic reform so let's see what has been done to solve these issues ?

Any substantive progress or results made on these concerns ?????

Scoopy said...

I have been a constant observer and a sometime blogger on this site for some time now. I have come to one conclussion.
Not many people in this area have any real sense.. Too many politics and too many fools that sit and follow..
This fall Ritchie will undoubtly be re-elected on her popularity certainly not what shes done. A bronz statue will be put downtown in Heuvelton of her and her followers will probably choose to kneel and bow daily to the statue. On the other hand the Patty Ritchie haters will continue to scoff at any acomplishments she makes and ridicule her...
As for me I just wish she would be a SEnator and vote for things for her district without partisan politces involved....

Anonymous said...

I think she has been the most bipartisan state legislator we have had in decades.
- She joined the governor in passing the first property tax cap in New york state's histry.
- She joined the governor in passing the first actual middle class tax cut in decades which has made the income tax fairer.
- She has helped New York state close two budget deficits, rejected new fees and unnecessary tax hikes and actually helped New York State reduce government spending for the first time in decades.
- Most nonpartisan observers feel New York State has started to get back on track for after the nonstop taxing and spending sprees waged by Spitzer and Paterson which left New York State a punchline for late night comedians. Patty Ritchie helped restore pride and sensibility and some badly needed commonsense to the mess that was Albany.
That's why she'll have my support this fall.

Anonymous said...

And your exactly what wrong with NYS. You are starstruck and taken by the glory of all of her acomplishments. Patty Ritchie alone (with the aide of Cuomo) did all of this.
She was going to change some important things and get our Star Rebate back.. So far nothings changed except the money being spent is being spent in different places. I still have no rebate as promised. Shes voted against minimum wage increse as expected. The thought of people having an extra thirty or forty dollars must keep her awake at night.
She is supporting a GOP canidate for congress who has showed us time and time again he has no crediblility, morality or family values let alone integrity.. All for the party. Shes a supporter of gambling in the state and has yet to comitt to a way to collect millions of dollars in taxes from the reservations.. The authorities and commissions were going to be dismantled saving billions but never came about.. Thats reform but she hasnt done one thing yet.. The legislation that she has sponsored is insignificant and no impact on anything in the North Country

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your breath on 10:04 he/she is just another expensive PR flack who has lost his/her objectivity . Once you drink the Kool Aid of part hackery it is gone forever.

Ms Ritchie will proably be re-elected which means that once again NYS will continue on its slippery slope to decline and become a second tier state by it lack of courage to rightsize state government , downsize bloated agencies , commissions and authorities and it need to grab power by catering to SPECIAL interest all to the detriment of Jon/Jane Taxpayer .

This whole scenario is like the old Movie "Ground Hog Day" where we KEEP GETTING the SAME TIRED OLD Politicians WITH the SAME TIRED OLD methodolgies and the SAME tired old POLITICAL hangers on who SPIN at OUR EXPENSE while the general public is tuned out and happy with minor crumbs off the table.

This is why many with options have left or will leave NYto flee to states that are growing both in private sector opportunities and quality of life without heavy taxation.

Sad but the scenario has played out and will continue to play out . MY own children all with advanced degrees left this state years ago for fine careers in growing and vital regions that are VIBRANT with activity and a much healthier balance of private /public sector employment

Many of our best and brightest are still rushing to the exits and no one seems to care or is doing anything to bring about SUSTAINING REFORM and Governmental EFFICIECIES that exceed National Norms . We are in a funk because we just seem to be happy with less than full economic potential and willingness of leadership to abandon the past so we can leverage a NEW ECONOMIC Renaissance . Sad i've lived my life and the i'm more concerned about the future for our children and grandchildren and i want them to have a BETTER situation in NYS not this current stagnant , tired , old , obese system that is both lethargic and damn near GLACIAL in its pace toward the future

Anonymous said...

Keep smiling Patty. You're friends in Washington will take care of YOU while good old St. Lawrence County tanks. Anyone who signs a pledge with someone like Grover Norquist is not rEpresenting anyone BUT Grover Norquist, and his billionaire friends. Patty's new campaign slogan should be "NO BILLOIONAIRE LEFT BEHIND".

Anonymous said...

Independence Party endorses Patty Richey? This is after she signs on with Grover Norquist placing her in a position where she doesn't have to do ANY independent thinking on her own? How ironic is that?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... St. Lawrece County gets a lower bond rating...But, look on the bright side, Patty has another brainless picture in the paper eating a corn dog at the Firemen's Field Days...

Anonymous said...

I think we've all had just about enough of Republicans - they have controlled Congress for two years and accomplished nothing of value. Vote them out, and get rid of Patty Ritchie the empty suit.