Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer In Ogdensburg

HCS Big Winners
Summer 2011, it has been a great summer with some signature storms to keep the ground moist and the greens in good shape. A great summer just makes it difficult to blog on a regular bases. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and we are taking advantage of the positive things that happen in our area. Pirate's Weekend is underway in A-Bay and the streets are getting crowded.

The fishing is always great on the St. Lawrence, we went out 3 times last week and caught some nice walleye and a load of perch. That just means we will have a great feed this weekend.

I am not sure when Doug Sholette is leaving but he will be a big loss to the City Council and to the City Ogdensburg. Best wishes on his new career and business.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Shollette for your dedicated service. You tried. If more councilors cared for people like you did and do we would have a very nice situation up here.
Anti people attitude like Powers and Vaugh have showed during thei terms has no place on our council. It allows the attitudes of the manager and planner to flourish. Nelson while a nice person allows this crap thus impending critizim of this counicl....

Anonymous said...

81 yr old woman knocked down and robbed at the Stone Fence last nite -- welcome to Ogdensburg a delightful tourist friendly city!

Anonymous said...

How long did it take the Sheirffs Deputies to respond. Isnt this the second or third Robberty I mean physical robbery at this establishment in just a few months. What kind of cliental do they allow up there. Of course none have been solved yet and if they are they will get drug court...

Anonymous said...

Correct - why is it that these incidents are never seemingly solved? What is going on with finding the murderer of the 83 yr old drug dealer on Ford st that was murdered in January?

C'mon law enforcement get these bad guys out of our town .

Anonymous said...

We have no law enforcement. We have some people employed by the police department content to draw a paycheck for twenty years, retire get your medical paid and a ten thousand dollar bonos for doing nothing.
Whats wrong with solving the Tricky murder, how about the Shannon murder, heh... Lawson was only the tip of the iceberg.. We on the streets know who murdered him and so do the cops....

Take a walk at night. You would be lucky to get home alive. Muggings happening nightly. Dont leave anything lose around your house or you car unlocked.
But these scum bags have snowmobiles, atvs etc for sale all the time. Their yards are full of these toys that most of us cant afford.
But like mayor Nelson says we cant micro manage the city manager so the city manager cant micromanage the chief who cant micro manage the lts. who cant say andthing to the Sgts who cant say anithing to the patrolmen...

Anonymous said...

I normally dont like the idea of watchdoging an employee. I do think our new council needs to give the mayor and the manager strict direction as to what they want and not leave any doubt in their mind what they mean.
We need to put in a priority fixin up our city. Keeping taxes at a minimum. Attracting new business preferably private industry not more institutions. We need to set the cosmetics on a back burner until some of the esentials are in order

Anonymous said...

O-Burg Needs a Wake up Call. Art Scorria is the worst thing that has every worked at City hall. Also Mayor Nelson needs to be replaced.We need more people like Doug Sholette.